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A free manual when purchasing your dream house in Spain

A free manual when purchasing your dream house in Spain
28 May

A manual or after-sales support is indeed essential when purchasing an existing home. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Understanding the home: A manual provides detailed information about the various aspects of the home, such as the operation of the electrical systems, water pipes, heating, air conditioning, and other important amenities. This helps the new owner to better understand the property and make effective use of the facilities available.
  2. Maintenance instructions: A manual often contains maintenance instructions and recommendations to keep the home in optimal condition. It may contain information about regular maintenance tasks such as checking the roofing material, lubricating door and window mechanisms, maintaining the garden and other important aspects. This helps preserve the value of the home and prevents unnecessary damage or wear and tear.
  3. Safety guidelines: A manual can also contain safety guidelines, such as emergency procedures, fire prevention, the use of safety devices and other important aspects. This is especially important for new owners who may not be familiar with the specific security measures required in the home.
  4. Contact Information and Support: A good after-sales manual also includes contact information for the seller, broker, or a support team that can assist the buyer with any post-purchase questions, problems, or repair requests. This gives the buyer peace of mind knowing that a source of support is available should the need arise.

Basically, a manual or after-sales support provides valuable information and guidance to new owners of an existing home. It helps them better understand the property, ensures efficient use of the facilities, promotes maintenance and safety, and provides a source of support in case of questions or problems. It is therefore an important part of good customer service and ensures a positive customer experience after the purchase of a home.

